UTPB athletic director Todd Dooley has announced his resignation after three years from the university.

The announcement came in a press release from the university on Tuesday afternoon.

The release stated that “Dooley will be leaving to pursue a new career path driven by his newfound passion for flying airplanes”.

Dooley leaves after three years of being in charge of UTPB.

During his time in charge, the university saw its football team win the Lone Star Conference championship for the first time in history while the men’s tennis team won the LSC co-conference title this past year.

UTPB women’s basketball also made it to the national tournament for the first time since 2013.

In the release, Dooley said that “It has been an incredible journey leading the Falcons and witnessing our student-athletes’ growth and achievements. I am proud of what we have accomplished together. As I begin this new adventure in aviation, I’m thankful for my time at UTPB and the past 25 years I have spent working in intercollegiate athletics across three intuitions ”

Former athletics director Scott Farmer will serve as interim AD and lead the national search for Dooley’s replacement.