VILLATORO: ‘Perseverance’

By Tracy Villatoro

Worship Leader, Victory Church Odessa

James 1:12 — “Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love Him.”

The Lord God gives you a goal. A true believer hears the voice of the Holy Spirit. You know this is true, because you know when you need to do something, and when you need to stop doing something, Therefore, according to the scripture, the Lord God will give you a desire in your heart. (Psalm 37:4)

You receive that vision, and you begin to walk in that direction. Once you receive that goal that God gave you, you will start going in that direction, as long as you are obedient. That is why you read the Bible.

You persevere every single day. When you do your daily devotion, you will receive a confirmation of what you need to do. All that you need to do is to come back to the Bible, and read it again. The Holy Spirit will lead you to what you need to do, as you continue to obey Him.

You will have obstacles every single day. There is no easy life, and there is no perfect life. Everybody has problems. What happens is that you don’t know their problems, but everyone has problems. What do you do when things are not going well? Quitters quit.

Are you a quitter? Are you going to quit? I don’t think so, because you know you have to persevere, regardless of the obstacles.

You will praise Him every single day. Trusting in Him is a form of adoration. When you declare that you trust Him, you are adoring Him. Declaring that you trust Him is one way to worship God.

Even if it’s a rainy day, keep quoting the scripture. Every human being has feelings. And when it is raining, sometimes you can feel sad. That is understandable. You cannot give up, simply because you are sad. That is perseverance.

You can suffer, and you can cry, but you know He is with you. “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.” (Psalm 50:15)