NUGGETS: What a joke!

By Jannie Linney

As I hear the news and watch the blogs on the internet, I see there is a constant thrust trying to remove God from everything. I’ve written on this before, however, it is worse now than ever.

Now they are trying to get crosses and anything that reminds people of the need for a Savior removed. Removing everything that reminds us of the God who loves us and is the creator of all things. Even though we have the freedom of speech in our constitution, they try to make us believe we don’t, so that we will shut up. There is a scripture from the source of truth we have, “The Bible,” that says “But indeed, O Man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to Him who formed it, “why have you made me like this?” Does not the potter have power over the clay [Romans 9:20 -21A].

“What A Joke” for all these little imperfect pots to try and get rid of The Potter, who is God the creator of all things. These little earthly pots, trying to erase the Potter. Yes! What a Joke! Mankind can take prayer out of school and the words of the Ten Commandments off government property and take all the crosses away, hide Christ at Christmas and ignore Jesus on resurrection Sunday [what man calls Easter]; but They will never take God’s signature off of this world.

It is written, “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools.” [Romans 1:20-22]. I didn’t say it, the Word of God said “they are Fools.” No matter what these little pots do, God is still God and we are still “One Nation Under God,” since He is over all. No little pot can change that. For thousands of years, mankind has tried to stamp God out, guess who is gone and who is still here. What a Joke!

That Book of truth tells us, that one day Jesus will return, and His feet will touch down on the Mount of Olive, the earth will split. He will be revealed as Lord of Lords and King of Kings and “every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord.” [Phil.2:11]. That is whether they want to say it or not. I tell you, I’d much rather receive Him now, and confess that He is Lord, while I am still in this age of grace, instead of being forced to bow my knee and say it on my way to hell. Just because a person does not like something or does not want to believe in it, doesn’t make it go away. People are seeking freedom from Structure. Children seem to want no restrictions, yet those who live in homes with no structure are very confused and insecure.

If in the past, you have been one of those who has refused to bow your knee and invite Jesus into your heart, you may want to do that now before it’s too late. Receive Jesus while we are still in the age of His wonderful Grace. No person is promised tomorrow in this life. The Bible, the word of truth says, “today is the day of salvation!”

If people could just understand that the Potter, the creator of all things, loves us so much and gave His only Son to die on the cross for us, so we can be set free. Free from bondage, but in a secure structure to keeps us safe. God restricts us for our own good. We know that Stop Signs are for our protection, so is God’s structure. Jesus gave us a book of sixty-six books in one, the Bible, to give us instructions of how to live the satisfied and joyful life. What do you have to lose by inviting Jesus into your heart? If I’m wrong, you have lost nothing, If I’m right, you have everything to lose — eternity is forever. The truth is, “This is no Joking matter.”