NUGGETS: ‘Gunna’

By Jannie Linney

In my prayer time the other day, for some reason, this word came up. I didn’t know why, but I just went with it. To be honest, I really don’t think it’s actually a word?

I couldn’t think of any word that might be more used than this word. If you think about it, any more used or any more useless. Did a little Bible search and didn’t find it anywhere. No, didn’t find it in Webster’s Dictionary.

Now we all know we are talking about “Going-to-do” something, some say “Gonna” But Texans say “Gunna.” The usage of it would probably be used in a sentence of excuses more than any other place. “One of these days, I’m Gunna fix the Water Faucet. I’m gunna get my life right one of these days. I’m gunna get back in church one of these days. I’m gunna go to church when they get all them hypocrites out.

“Brood of Vipers! How can you being evil, speak good things for our and the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. A good man out of the good treasures of his heart bring forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasures bring forth evil things. But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give an account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned. [Matt. 12:34-37].

I can’t think of a word more idle word than gunna. It accomplishes nothing, it adds nothing to the livelihood of man, it is always a delay for any productive plan. “For by your Words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

The Bible does have a word we can compare with “Gunna” It is “vain.” Vain is “without real worth or value; empty; worthless;” as, vain promises. No wonder the Lord said not to use His Name in Vain. We should tremble in our boots if we ever speak His Name without a divine purpose connected to it! But, there’s lots of people that’s “Gunna” believe what they want to, no matter what the Bible says.

Just like one of these days we may Hear God say, I’m not “Gunna” hold those Guiltless who use my name in vain, not “Gunna” hold those guiltless who Sleep with those they are not married to, not going to hold those guiltless that sleep with strange Flesh, those that bow to images, Those that steal, kill, and lie.

I came the first time to redeem you from sin, [John 3:16] to show you I love you and teach you how-to live-in Victory. I came and demonstrated what you need to believe, yield to and have Faith and receive, for being born again, in order for eternal life with the Father for all eternity!

I will come again soon and very soon, no one will know the day or hour when their time is complete. Then I will come That “Great Day” and all those who has made themselves ready by receiving Jesus, my son, as their Savior, those who are looking for my coming. I will received them unto myself, in the twinkling of an eye, [1 Cor. 15:51-52] to be with Me forevermore!

Have you made yourself ready, or, are you Gunna do that someday?