NUGGETS: God is my refuge part 3

By Jannie Linney

The last two weeks we have studied about God being our Refuge and our very present help in time of trouble. We could go on and on and never tell the fullness of what a great refuge He really is. We shared a little of the first seven verses of Psalm 46. Today we start with v. eight.

“Come behold the works of the Lord” [v.8]. When the word says “Behold” It’s like He is making an announcement. Let’s see what He is announcing; “Who has made desolation in the earth. He makes war cease to the ends of the earth. He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two; He burns the chariots in fire [v.8-9]. He has made desolation because mankind rebels against His word. There will come a time, references show; more like there will be astonishing events, such as destroying evil or overcoming wicked armies. He is God after all!

Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among nations, I will be exalted in the earth [v.10].Not that He needs any exaltation from us; He really needs nothing from us. He would like to have fellowship. His main purpose is, He wants us to never get to thinking we are our own god. The emergent church uses this scripture to be still, empty their mind and look inside for god, [Jesus is inside us and that sounds good to the nominal Christian, because He is] they are talking about looking inside, and know that I, [themselves] am god. They have contemplative spiritually, contemplative prayer, breath prayers. Sounds good unless you know where they are coming from and where they are going. They don’t say Hindu or Buddhist, because they are deceived Christians, but they bring in that same type of meditation and guided visualization. The way they say it, it sounds good enough to mask the truth. Like Eve in the garden, hath God really said? You won’t really die! Satan hates God and all His creation, so he tries to distort and destroy, John said kill, steal and destroy. [John 10:10]

God was not saying be still, empty your mind and listen to what I say. He was saying “Be still and watch me deal with your enemies! Be still and know I am working in your interest.” Verse ten is also the voice of God addressing the wicked warring nations with a warning, in other words “cease and desist: it is I God who will be exalted in victory: you do not have a chance of winning. He wants you and I to watch. There is coming a day when all will know He Is God. “For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God” [Rom. 14:11-12].

Anyone who watches the news realizes we are in the “Perilous Times” we have been talking about. Nations are warring against Nations, Kingdom against Kingdoms. People being shot in malls and air ports, being run down with trucks. Not one of those people knew that would be their last day on earth. Even some of the “Body of Christ has backed off from the things of God, or they are searching with itching ears someone to preach the bible in a way they can live the way they want to instead of the way God says. They are easily deceived.

Since the last proclamation against Israel was proclaimed from the Panicle of this nation, which now has been changed. Israel is now surrounded by their enemies as the Bible says will happen in the last days. If I wasn’t saved, I’d get saved. Are you ready? We have one hope, only one “The Lord of hosts is with us: the God of Jacob is our refuge.”