NUGGETS: Being saved part 2

By Jannie Linney

Last week we talked about the scripture “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” [1Cor. 1:18]. Humm? “to us who are BEING saved” there must be something more than we have thought about. We who have invited Jesus into our heart, know we are saved, born again and have a relationship with the father. So why say “being saved?” Once we understand this phrase we see in the scripture above, we find pieces all through the word that fits like a jigsaw puzzle. Let’s look at one scripture that clarifies this statement.

“We should not trust in ourselves but in God who raises the dead, who delivered us from so great a death, and does deliver us, in whom we trust will still deliver us” [2 Cor. 1:9b-10]. We see three happenings in this one verse.

1. Who delivered us from so great a death: This is the “Born Again” experience. Comes with everlasting life. God is now, not only our creator, but also our Abba Father. God the son came that we might have life and Life more abundant. Jesus paid for everything we will ever need and more. He sent the Holy Spirit as our comforter, Baptizer, teacher, guide and much more. He is the one and only true God in three functions, who is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. He understands us, but He is too Great for us to completely understand all there is to know about Him. Delivered us from death, is past tense. Now we will never die.

2. And does deliver us: This is now, we are in the process of our soul being cleansed and set free developing into maturity. To put it like the bible does our soul is “being saved.” I don’t know about you, but when I was born again, I was instant saved, but I was not instant saved from the flesh. Of course we will never be perfect in this life but we are in the process of being perfected, being saved from the likeness of this world. We are pressing on to the “Mark of the High Calling in Christ Jesus.” The Bible likens us to plants. We know a plant is growing or it is dying. John fifteen tells us that those who abide in Him will bear fruit or be cut off. Grace through faith in Jesus Christ, gives us the power to live in a way that is pleasing to our Father. In this stage of “being saved,” we allow Him to prune and remove what does not please Him.

3. In whom we trust shall still deliver us: Awesome! One day this old fleshly body will be changed in the twinkling of an eye. Saved, and we will live with Him forever more. He is coming in the clouds to receive us unto Himself. We will be shut in with Him for seven years as the “Bride” at the wedding supper. That will be while all hell breaks loose down here under the power of the anti-christ. Then we will return with Him, when He returns as King of Kings and Lord of Lords to rule forever more. The Bible says the devil and his demons will be in prison and we will rule with Him for a thousand years, where the lion will lay down with the lamb. Then satan and his cohorts will be loosed for a short time at the end. This will be so that all who were born in the thousand years will have an opportunity to choose who they want to spend eternity with. You see, everyone has to make a choice. Free choice is never taken away from us. The choice is not made for us. Hell seems to be getting closer all time. You may want to make your choice today. My suggestion is Jesus. I’ve lived on both sides of the fence, believe me Jesus is much better. I Thank God that I am saved, “I’m being saved” and one day my body will be saved!