LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Student Loan Bailout? No!

I don’t know about you, but I’m not in the mood to subsidize loan obligations of other adults who signed contracts to repay in order that they could attend a post high school institution of higher learning. Are those taxpayers without higher education to pay? Are those degreed taxpayers who payed their way also to pay? Are those taxpayers not yet in college also to pay? This flagged issue has appeared again. I reponded to my US Senators and Representative:

Federal Student Loan(FSL) forgiveness.

The latest democrat position on student loan forgiveness on the news this morning has stirred me. Rather than have us, the taxpayers bail out students’ contractural obligations, I suggest 2 options:

1. Students pay their own debts obligated under their adult signatures;

2. Universities, and other post high school institutions elligible to receive monies from such student loans, refund up to $50,000 of each student’s loan.

#1 is best and most responsible.

#2 is next best because the receiving institution has enriched itself by plowing FSL cash into huge and growing endowments.

Any loan-bearing student who does not complete a degree program still owes the debt. Any Bulk Solids(BS) degreed students still owe the debt for such worthless degrees created to keep them enrolled.

And, I did not sign for such loan, and therefore am not responsible to repay it. I attended colleges and universities in pursuit of my degree before, during, then after military service under the GI Bill—and my dime. My degree had utility in that it credentialed me to teach school, and later knowledgibly work in industry.

I am against taxpayer funded bailout of student loans.

Doug Moss
