LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Landgraf remains the best candidate

I’m writing today to talk about our friend, State Rep. Brooks Landgraf. Like us, he has a heart for community service, a heart for West Texas, so we have had the opportunity to work with him on several fronts over the years.

Brooks is a West Texas conservative, and his voting record proves it. He has supported every major Republican effort during his time as a state representative, from expanding Second Amendment rights and securing the border to protecting the unborn and everything in between.

He’s also a fighter for the Permian Basin, having worked hard to increase transportation funding from $50 to $360 million per year and provide more law enforcement resources for our county and region. All of the orange barrels around here are a sign of significant progress, and TxDOT has reported that fatal accidents are down by 32% over the last three years in the region.

We were with Brooks at a meeting here in Kermit with local law enforcement just a few weeks ago, where he continued to demonstrate his commitment to Back the Blue and find solutions to improve public safety in the Permian Basin. He passed a bill just last session to give our sheriffs the ability to enforce commercial motor vehicle safety standards.

As busy as he might be, he always has time to take our calls and is involved in our community. I know he represents 3 other West Texas counties, but that hasn’t kept Brooks from being there for us when we need help from the state. Brooks is always quick to act on our behalf.

We’ve been disappointed by all of the negative campaigning that has taken place this year. And we are thankful Brooks has not gotten into the mud. We worry that if Republicans continue to violate President’s Reagan’s 11th commandment, to not speak ill of a fellow Republican, we only make ourselves weaker as things continue to change in Texas and potentially start trending more Democrat.

We need to stand behind strong representatives like Brooks Landgraf, a West Texas Republican in charge of the powerful House Environmental Regulation Committee, if we want to have the voice we deserve in the halls of the Texas Capitol building. As chair of this committee, Brooks is on the front line protecting Texas energy jobs from the Biden Administration. Chairman Landgraf is the sort of leadership the Permian Basin needs.

We look forward to continuing to work with Representative Brooks Landgraf and hope that he continues to rise in the ranks in the Texas House so that our voice only grows stronger.

Hope Fernandez-Williams, Councilwoman