LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Guzman would be great on Supreme Court

Biden will appoint a woman to the Supreme Court. Being an avowed racist, Biden will appoint a black woman who in turn will be a racist. The better choice should be a woman who is qualified personally and professionally superior to anyone Biden selects.

That woman, IMHO, is Judge Eva Guzman. Her parents immigrated here legally and became citizens, legally. She served as a trial judge on the 309th District Court, the14th Court of Appeals, and Judge on the Texas Supreme Court. Appointed to the courts, then continually re-elected. A judge for over 22 years. Over 11 years on the Texas Supreme Court. Over 30 years legal career.

Her father was killed by an illegal alien, never captured. Her husband was a police officer for 29 years. You can read up on her positions on all the issues and I think you would support her for Biden’s selection, not a radical leftist. Right now, she is running for Texas Attorney General.

Judge Guzman’s only drawback, you may say, is that she is a conservative republican. By the way, shouldn’t make a difference, but she is Hispanic.

Jimmy Edwards
