LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Fawcett is not qualified to be county judge

With almost 50 years experience both in the personnel business and Ector County politics, I feel qualified to voice my concerns and opinions. Recently, the Ector County Republican Party added new faces to the executive board and much to my dismay, the Party that I dedicated endless hours to no longer share my values.

I question their judgment, their principles, and their chosen candidates . Voters deserve candidates with experience, integrity and commitment.

The race that concerned me most was County Judge. Using my professional skills, I extensively researched employment, background and personal references and found Dustin Fawcett terribly unqualified to run the county, which consists of managing over 600 employees and an $85 million budget. His resume lists three different jobs just within the last year including two months without employment. This young man lacks stability and experience.

I’ve done my homework and now I ask you to join me in supporting the most qualified candidates, County Judge Debi Hays, State Representative Brooks Landgraf and Justice of the Peace Precinct 2 Missi Walden. I feel my years of work for the GOP and expertise in the personnel industry give me the credibility and credentials needed to advise and endorse. Although I’m not residing in Odessa during this election, I still own a home, still pay taxes, I’m still asked my political opinion, but most importantly I still care about Ector County.

Alma Bird
