LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Trump is the only choice

Under Trump, the U.S. had the lowest inflation rate (1.4%) in forty years.

We had the lowest unemployment rate in forty years, and the lowest Black unemployment in history. Trump had the border under the best control ever, with only about 70,000 illegal crossings per year. ISIS and the Taliban were almost totally wiped out; Hezbollah was pretty much leaving Israel alone; Iran was financially strapped, and could not afford to support terrorism. Russia was not messing with Ukraine; and China was not threatening Taiwan.

Then, Biden and Kamala got elected. The first month of Biden’s term, inflation rose to 2.4% and kept rising every month until it reached 9.8%. Now for the last several months, the monthly rate has decreased, but prices for food, energy, and housing have remained anywhere from 25% to 40% higher than under Trump. This is the REAL inflation, not what the inflation rate shows!

Under Biden/Harris, illegal border crossings have skyrocketed until 8 million, to 21 million (according to various estimates) illegal aliens have come into the U.S. According to the latest figures, about 13,000 illegals convicted of murder in their home countries have made their way into the country, and about 15,000 illegals convicted of rape in their home countries have entered. The crime rate in the so-called “sanctuary cities” has risen to astronomical levels due to the illegals, and several thousand members of MS13 and Tren De Aragua gangs have also invaded America.

Despite all these things, Kamala the Cackler said in a recent interview that she would not have changed a thing concerning the policies she and Biden instituted. She also promises to “fix everything on day one.” If she wouldn’t have changed anything, and if everything she and Biden did worked as well as they have been trying to convince us of for 4 years, then why is she going to “fix” everything?

She has also flip-flopped on everything she had earlier campaigned on, such as a total ban on fracking (2019) and now she is in favor of it. She also says that no one is going to “take away your guns” despite calling for a ban and confiscation of so-called “assault rifles.” Her Socialist comrade, Bernie Sanders even said that “she hasn’t changed her ideals. She is just saying whatever she thinks will get her elected.” One of the Fox News commentators said the Bernie Sanders seems to “have accidentally told the truth about her.” My thought is that, if a Democrat ever told the truth, it would definitely be an accident!

Considering all this, if you are still going to vote for Kamala the Cackler for president, then you are in dire need of psychiatric help.

Everything Trump did was for the good of the country, while everything Biden and Harris have done has nearly destroyed America. If they get elected they will pack the Supreme Court, eliminate the Electoral College, do away with the 2nd Amendment, do away with free speech, and allow illegal aliens to vote. In other words, America will cease to exist!

Everybody better think long and hard come election day!


Sandy Milner