LETTER TO THE EDITOR: ​Time to vote out current council

I read with interest the editorial in today’s OA concerning the upcoming election and could not agree more with the opinion that we need new leadership in the city that is more concerned about the city and less about party affiliation.

Let me add another reason why there needs to be a change. I for one am tired of driving around the city and seeing the grown-up potential drill sites that won’t be drilled on but are now an eye sore with all the weeds and trash.

A couple of days ago I called the City Manager’s office about who is responsible and they didn’t know. I called Code Enforcement and they said that because the street department was so short handed they were going to the city council and have them vote to issue a contract for services.

I called this morning and was told there was nothing on the Council Agenda last night on this issue. My question is who knows what is going on?

It is time for new leadership. I hope everyone will get out and vote for that new leadership. I would sure like to have these vacant lots cleaned up!

Charles Cotten