LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Local GOP leaders support Cal and Craig

We are asking the voters of Odessa to join us in healing our divided community. We were elected in March to represent the Republicans of Ector County. Our goal is to inform voters and encourage voter turnout. We ran on a platform to stop the negative campaigns and unite our Party. And we have worked hard to make the Ector County Republican Party better than ever! Thank you for trusting us with your vote.

Unfortunately, the negative campaigning did not stop in March. Javier Joven, Denise Swanner and Mark Matta have kicked it up in high gear. A level never witnessed before. A level so hateful and disgusting, we felt compelled to come forward and ask you to join us in hopefully once and for all ending the corrupt local campaigns. Let’s prove negative campaigns don’t win elections.

Please join us in this crucial non partisan election and vote Cal Hendrick for Mayor, Craig Stoker At Large and Eddie Mitchell District 1. Odessa needs healing. Odessa needs strong leaders. Odessa needs new leadership.

Republican Precinct Chairs

Ronnie Lewis

Gary Don McCain

Dallas Kennedy

Jet Brown

Gary Johnson

Traci Gregston

Christi Bryson

Richard Pierce

Charles Pierce

Gabby Aranda

Graciela Ponce

Jimmy Lee