LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Lifelong Republican supporting Stoker, Hendrick

I am a current precinct chair for the Ector County Republican Party. I am the former vice president of the West Texas T.E.A. Party. My daddy was a old time, fire breathing, Holy Ghost Pentecostal preacher. There have been very few Sundays in my life where I missed church. I am a veteran. I have been involved with the Texas Republican Party for many years, attending my first Texas Republican Party Convention in 2000. I am as ruby red conservative as they come.

I only mention all of that because like many of you I am solid in my faith and my politics. In 2020 I was a strong supporter of Mayor Joven and rejoiced when he won.

When I heard Cal Hendrick was running for mayor, I was suspicious to say the least. I had heard the rumblings about the supposed liberal bent of his church. I had heard he was part of some “country club swamp”. When I heard Craig Stoker was running, I was suspicious. While he was a long time friend, I had heard he had liberal leanings. I was aware that he had a history of voting Democrat but had recently voted Republican. As a hard core, life long Christian conservative, I had a lot of questions. At the same time I had concerns with how the city was being run. Where does a guy like me go who is concerned about current leadership of our city but scared the opponents are secret liberal plants?

I went to the candidates. What I found was that Cal Hendrick is a Republican who loves his city. He is a polite, funny, and extremely bright man. I asked the hard questions. He gave the right answers. He wants to focus on the functions the city government is tasked with: water, streets, trash, sewer, parks and first responders.

I went to Craig Stoker. I asked the hard questions. I found a fiscal conservative who has spent much of his life serving our citizens. I found an honest man who assured me his only focus is fixing our city. There is not secret, lurking liberal agenda. He wants to focus on the functions of the city: water, streets, trash, sewer, parks and first responders. He has addressed all my concerns.

My name is Dallas Kennedy. I am 100% a hard core conservative Republican. I am 100% saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost. I 100% endorse Cal Hendrick for Mayor and Craig Stoker for City Council at Large.

Dallas Kennedy