LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Darkness creates hope in Odessa

It is hard to believe it has been five years this week since the tragic and senseless mass shooting that took the lives of seven and injured 25. August 31, 2019 is a day that changed our community forever. It changed lives, families, businesses and organizations. It was a dark day. However, darkness creates hope and this senseless act of violence bonded our community and brought out the best in serving others and loving they neighbor.

As we enter this week, our community proudly unveils the much-awaited Bright Star Memorial, featuring quotes from those lost and injured. The Memorial will be unveiled on Thursday, August 29th at a sunset ceremony starting at 8 p.m. The Memorial is located on the UTPB campus, and can be accessed from the southwest side of the soccer fields. We invite and encourage all citizens to join together for a brief ceremony as this Memorial enables us to remember those lost and honor those injured.

A private ceremony is being planned prior to the public event so that those families impacted can view and experience the Memorial first. It is a beauty to behold and will forever be a beacon of hope and strength as we never forget that tragic day. Many thanks to UTPB, Odessa Arts, City of Odessa, Market Street and many other organizations for their effort in making this Memorial a reality.

A blood drive is also being held at the UTPB campus on Thursday morning . Take a few minutes to schedule an appointment and save lives through donating during this time of reflection. We also encourage everyone to take a drive by Memorial Park on 42nd street and see the beautiful display of yellow flags – one for each person lost and each person injured. A big thanks to the City of Odessa Parks department for their work in displaying these flags each year, which can be seen through the Labor Day weekend.

This week, may we all take time to reflect on how our community continues to heal from an unspeakable act, yet came together to be ODESSA STRONG. Make it your goal to serve others in the name of those who no longer can.

Renee’ Henderson Earls


Odessa Chamber of Commerce