LETTER TO THE EDITOR: ​Current council has failed Odessa

I have known Craig Stoker for years. This community has been so blessed by his presence, his commitment and his determination to make Odessa and the Permian Basin a better place to live.

His leadership with the West Texas Food Bank and now Odessa Meals on Wheels speaks volumes about where his servant heart lies, and he is the first to champion causes for those less fortunate and underserved in our town.

He is passionate about making Odessa a better place to live, and sadly, has had to bear nasty and mean spirited comments in doing so.

But we are better than that! Craig will make an excellent city councilman. He will bring a knowledgeable, thoughtful and clear focused plan of action to address the needs of our city – water, road infrastructure, small business and downtown development, etc.

Those currently in office have miserably failed our city, and it is high time for new leadership. Leadership with integrity, morals and a clear direction for Odessa. I proudly support Craig Stoker for City Councilman At Large!

Mara Barham Hobbs
