LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Chip sealing in high gear in Ector County

It is that time of year again when we start chip sealing some of our roads to help keep them in good condition.

The chip seal helps with the cracks in the road so we don’t get moisture under the pavement so there will be less pot holes in the roads.

In the county we have around 550 miles of roads that we have to maintain with 25 guys they are out there 5 days a week in the heat, to make the roads as good as possible for you. We try to do around 80 to 90 miles every year.

There is a process to sealing the roads. First we go through and patch any holes in the roads, the crews then lay down the emulation (tar), right after that they lay the chips down and roll them into the emulation. The emulation then needs to setup and dry out so that it holds the rocks in place. This could take a few weeks to a month to have it set good. We then reroll the road and sweep it to get the extra rocks off of the road. At the end of every road there will be wings that are not covered, don’t worry it is more efficient to take a day and just do the wings and not stop on every road to do them. We will be back and get them done.

Once we have gathered the excess rocks up we will let it sit for another month or so to let it cure. The final 2 steps is we will fog seal the road the end of September to the first few weeks of October. Last we will paint center stripes on the road. This will refresh the road for about 4 to 5 years. We will then do it again.

I need your help. It is hot on those machines, sometimes the crews are working in over 100 degree weather and 200 degree plus tar. Because of this heat stroke is a real possibility. We give the guys frequent cool down breaks to rehydrate, please understand this when you see them taking a break. Also please be aware of them working while you are driving and slow down so we can keep them safe. Last please try not to spinout on the roads we have just done as this will undo what we are trying to accomplish.

Together we can make ODESSA beautiful!

If you have question or concerns please call me at 432-381-0098 at extension 2031.

Jeff Avery

Public Works Director