LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Americans smarter and than both parties think

I am an 83 year old male that sometimes has problems remembering someone’s name or talking about something and getting distracted so I can emphasize with President Biden and some of his gaffes, but that doesn’t take away from his or my ability to make decisions and to know what we are talking about so I wish the media and the pundits would spend more time talking about the issues and the problems this country has rather than his ability to speak in front of an audience.

Don’t mistake my empathy with approval. I think Biden has been a bad president and if you really look at his record you would know that the few winners have been because of support by republicans. But, I don’t really think the republicans have done that great of a job either. That is why I now count myself along with a large voting block of independents that are looking for a candidate that can put us back on track as a country. We cannot continue to spend trillions of dollars, keep an open border and not have a reasonable immigration policy because we need the workers.

One last point, I am tired of both parties declaring the end of democracy in this country if the other party wins. No matter the winning party, democracy will continue because the American people are smarter and more knowledgeable than either party recognizes.

Charles Cotten
