GUEST VIEW: Vote for the future of Odessa

The Cabal has imploded, it was a failed experiment. A group of politically twisted, likeminded Odessans contrived a plan to take power over our city.

It started with this group becoming organized at the Ector County Republican Headquarters, led by Jeff Russell, Tisha Crow and Javier Joven. The ECRP Headquarters became their base of operations. “The Squad”, Swanner, Matta and Joven came out publicly running together in September 2020 and were swept in as council members and mayor with the help of some of the most divisive and cringeworthy campaigns that Ector County had ever seen.

The same group has made headway into our Hospital Board, School Board, County Commissioners Court, ODC Board and have been beating on the wall at the ECUD for a power grab there as well. Luckily, for our community, an attempt to infiltrate our Court House in a run for Justice of the Peace failed.

Joven, Swanner and Matta are now responsible for hiring the most unqualified city manager our city has ever had and he has the highest salary of any previous city manager, $250,000 yearly. We’ve just learned without any input from voters that our city manager was also given a 3 year contract where he gets paid whether he quits or gets fired. Unbelievable.

Ector County voters have seen a massive turnover with our city employees, mind blowing secret contracts like the T2 consulting and TGAA contracts made in secret by our Mayor and approved of by Swanner and Matta and so much more.

The power grab was now in full view, you could see it a mile away. Voters came to polls, spoke loudly with their votes and the Cabal was routed out of the Republican Headquarters in March.

The ECRP Headquarters is now in safe hands with Donna Kelm who courageously stood up to run against Tisha Crow.

Voters let’s keep our momentum that led to such a historic outcome in March, let’s vote out the remnants of the the failed experiment, Swanner, Matta and Joven. Let’s get our city back on track and keep a better eye out for any group that will organize thinking they have a Divine Right to hold power over our city.

The Election is less than 3 weeks away, be wary of deceptive mailers, professionally made videos that have carefully edited drone footage of our city (no overflowing trash dumpsters) expect the City of Odessa Facebook page to continue near daily photo ops of Swanner, Matta and Joven that are nothing more than State run propaganda.

And yes, Mayor Joven’s personal parade this Saturday, this parade, is shameful campaign propaganda disguised as a cultural celebration.

There will be lots of noise from three newly formed Political Action Committees and very well funded campaigns that are apparently financed by one of the wealthiest and most elite businessman in Odessa.

We have good candidates running that will work independently minded for the benefit of our city. Let’s get back on track.

But most importantly the meanness and bullying of our candidates must be stopped, citizens voted out the meanness in March, let’s go back to the polls and finish what we’ve started.


Cal Hendrick Mayor

Craig Stoker At-Large Councilman

Eddie Mitchell District 1 Councilman

Ronnie Lewis is a longtime Odessa businessman who founded Dos Amigos. He is also an elected GOP precinct chair.

Steve Thompson District 2 Councilman

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