GUEST VIEW: God is Always good, always kind

I had a rough night last night, my phone rang and texts were coming in regarding the hateful campaign attacks against the faith of Mayoral candidate Cal Hendrick.

Then more texts and calls from people that were shocked that Denise Swanner has a TV commercial that denigrates her opponent Craig Stoker for being openly gay.

It was a gut punch, I didn’t sleep well knowing the pain that commercial would cause Craig, who has become a friend, a good friend during his campaign.

I’ve got to know how hard he works for Odessa and what a good person he is. I was sad for Odessa because I thought this election would be more platform driven with Swanner and Stoker running on their records, their strengths and what they can do for our home town.

I woke up Sunday morning looking forward to going to church, I was feeling empty, lacking. My wife and I got our daughter into Sunday school and settled into our normal seats as the Christian band was singing the words “God will run to you no matter where you’ve been” just those words alone made me feel better.

Our Pastor stepped up and began a sermon about God’s table. Her words hit me, relieved me and I hastily started taking notes on my iPhone. What you read next is not in a letter form, I was scrambling to catch the sermon and write notes. Our Pastor’s words are God’s words and it was just what I needed to hear. Here are those notes, my interpretation, I’ve added Craig Stoker’s name because I thought of him as our Pastor eloquently spoke of God’s banquet, God’s table.

If you will not humble yourself, God will humble you

God will run to you no matter where you’ve been

The house of the Lord is not full. Why would someone think they could prevent someone into his house ?

God never said let’s have a banquet, a feast, now go out into the streets and alleys and bring all that you see back to me, bring the poor, the cripple, the lame, but not the man or woman that is gay. All is accepted at the table of Jesus. Jesus wants his house full. A politician can’t block an invitation to God’s table. Gods banquet is prepared, no one is rejected. The rich, the powerful and the religious are not the only ones invited to Gods banquet. This is Gods grace. God would welcome Craig Stoker to his table.

Politicians hungry for power cannot keep anyone from God’s banquet. God is mercy. God is grace. God wants all his seats filled.

Ronnie Lewis is a longtime Odessa businessman who founded Dos Amigos. He is also a GOP elected precinct chair.