DAWNINGS: In campaigns, follow Jesus’ words

By Rev. Dr. Dawn Darwin Weaks

Pastor, Connection Christian Church

As signs for candidates in our local and national election pop up around town, my hopes for our community are high. I hope we will be about building Odessa up rather than tearing each other down. Whether you are a candidate for office or involved in supporting a candidate, in this election year, let us consider these guidelines based on the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapter 5.

“Blessed are the poor.” Let all of our words stem from wanting to be a help to those who most need help in our community, the ones who get left out and left behind. That keeps us from self-promotion and out of the pockets of special interest groups. God has only one special interest group: the poor.

“Blessed are the humble.” Let’s tell the truth even when it makes us look bad, say when we don’t know an answer, and be willing to listen and learn. These are the traits of leaders worthy of our trust.

“Blessed are the merciful.” Can we promote goodwill even when we disagree? Let’s try to remember that your opponent is not your enemy, but your neighbor. Remember that we all drive on the same roads, breathe the same air, and depend on the same first responders, and speak accordingly.

“Blessed are the pure in heart.” Being pure of heart means not talking out of one side of your mouth or the other. Let’s be who we are all the time, no matter who we are with, with only our God to try to please. That makes our words worth something.

“Blessed are the peacemakers.” Perhaps it will not win you political power, but being a peacemaker will gain you a blessing from the Almighty God. From time to time may we each consider a compromise, not to our convictions, but to our agendas. May we all be willing to look at the bigger picture.

“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of me.” If you run a different campaign because of the words of Jesus, not everyone will stand up and cheer. You may even lose. But really, did you?

Jesus’ words are the ones we need, for in his words are life and truth. May our words reflect his heart. And may our elections reflect the Christian faith so many in our community profess.