Florida Man: Thank your first responders today

Today Florida Man celebrates the seventh anniversary of the first day of the rest of his life. I do it by taking bagels and cream cheese to our neighborhood Margate Fire Rescue station house.

Here’s why.

On Sept. 20, 2017, I had what the docs called a mini-stroke. Mini or maxi who knew.

It happened this way.

Susie and I were sitting at the patio table after a telephone conference call with our financial advisor in Chicago. I was writing some notes when I felt my right hand get so weak it couldn’t hold a pen. Then it went dead, followed by my right arm and then down the whole right side.

I knew right away that it was a stroke and I was already slurring my words. Susie tried to help me inside, but I was too heavy. She, too, knew what was happening and called 911.

In 10 minutes, four paramedics were lifting me onto a gurney and rolling me out the door into the ambulance. They took me to Broward North hospital which has a good trauma center. With siren blaring, we made it in 30 minutes, Susie following in the FJ Cruiser.

Inside the ER, a doctor named Ridwan Lin asked me if I wanted a clot buster shot. He said it’s not 100% effective but pretty close.

Of course, I said yes and he poked me. This was all done during the golden hour after an trauma event, considered to be the most successful period for emergency treatment.

A few minutes later they rolled me in for an MRI on my head. As I was lying inside the machine, I could feel the strength returning to my right side. I could move the fingers on my right hand, then I moved my leg voluntarily, and in a minute or two, all the feeling was back.

I was able to walk out of that room with no help. I spent two days in intensive care to make sure I was stable and I left the hospital and drove home.

I don’t believe in miracles, though strange things happen, but for me this was a miracle. And it’s thanks to the quick emergency response, finding Dr. Lin and the clot buster. Everyday since I owe to them.

That’s why each year I take bagels and cream cheese to the fire house. It’s never the same people on duty, but I tell them the story and they are pleased they helped.

i covered dozens of fires and disasters over the years, trained with the Fort Lauderdale FD, thanks to good friend Capt. Steve McInerny. I rode on many calls with them and wore bunker gear, though they never let me handle a hose. I won awards for those stories.

That is to say I think I know a little about firefighters and EMTs. They are exceptional people. They are causally brave. They save lives every day, often at the risk of their own. And they are good lookin’ guys and gals to boot.

But each year they say thanks to me when I’m the one who needs to say thanks. Surprisingly, they say they get very few thank yous from people they help.

I don’t know why that is. Stop by your local firehouse some day and say hello. You’ll be glad you did and so will they. And maybe someday you’ll need them.