Florida Man: Cooking for one

I cook and I think I’m pretty good until I create a clunker that I’ll eat but no one else will.

An example: Sunday night I made enchiladas which I often do. Only this time they were way too saucy, soggy and in the oven too long. They were edible, but just. Fortunately there was some good rice on the side.

But that’s not what I want to talk about. It’s cooking for one.

I think it’s important for me to sit down at the table every night, at least most nights, and eat dinner no matter how simple. It signifies to me that I’m a completely functioning human being. And wine helps a lot.

It also gets me out into the world to do the shopping, usually at more than one store.

I’ve got a bunch of good cookbooks but I’m still on the internet looking for something a little exotic. There are some fascinating recipes out there. Shrimp Mozambique, Nigerian Beef Suya, Lebanese Malfouf, Lung Fung Soup and so on.

The real problem with preparing these exotics is not the cooking, it’s finding the ingredients and then buying the right amount so there isn’t much left over, or deciding to make enough to serve the neighborhood or at least your neighbors.

Things like lungs, for example, that turn up in a lot of Asian recipes are hard to find. In 1971, the USDA banned the sale of lungs for human consumption. The reason given was that lungs contain dust, pollen and  spores that animals, and humans, inhale.

No mention was made of infectious diseases or serious illnesses resulting from eating lungs.

It’s too bad, some doctors say, because lungs like liver and kidneys are rich in vitamins, protein and minerals. They can be used for pet food if you can find them.

I don’t want to put too much emphasis on lungs, but they are available at ethnic food stores in Florida, imported from South America.

If there is a point here, it’s that cooking for one is much harder and less fun than cooking for two or more. It requires paring most recipes down by half or more.

I’m still learning so if you want to stop by for leftovers there are usually plenty.