The Texas Department of Transportation has issued traffic alerts for the following dates and locations.
Midland County
- Sept. 25-26: Pavement repairs will be conducted on IH 20 westbound driving lane east of Midland approximately 4 miles west of the Martin/Midland County line (mm 144-145).
Martin County
- Sept. 25-26: Pavement repairs will be conducted on FM 1208 beginning at the intersection of FM 1208 and FM 1212 and continuing for 3 1/2 miles (mm 312-316).
- Sept. 27-28: Pavement repairs will be conducted on SH 176 beginning 1/2 mile east from the intersection of SH 176 and CR 59 and continuing for 2 miles (mm 294-296).
Crane County
- Sept. 25-Oct.1: Construction crews will be performing a road rehab project on FM 1233 beginning 1/2 mile east from the intersection of FM 1233 and FM 1053 and continuing for 4 miles (mm 244-248).
Winkler County
- Sept. 25-29: Crews will be clearing debris on FM 1232 beginning on FM 1232 near the airport and continuing for 2 miles (mm 214-216). Crews will be placing herbicide on various State maintained roadways in Winkler County. Crews will be applying a fog seal on SH 18 beginning at the intersection of SH 18 and FM 1232 and continuing south for 9 1/2 miles to Winkler/Ward County line (mm 343-335).
Pecos County
- Sept. 25-29: Crews will be placing herbicide on IH 10 beginning at the west county line of Reeves/Pecos and continuing past the intersection of IH 10 and FM 2023 for 7 miles (mm 227-286).