Texas oil and gas production statistics for March 2024

AUSTIN Statewide and county crude oil and natural gas production as reported to the Railroad Commission of Texas for March 2024 came from 163,674 oil wells and 84,739 gas wells, a press release detailed.

The RRC reports that preliminary total Texas reported production for March 2024 was approximately 121 million barrels of crude oil and 932 billion cubic feet of total gas. Updated total reported production for March 2023 was approximately 140 million barrels of crude oil and 1.04 trillion cubic feet of total gas.

Crude oil production reported by the RRC is limited to oil produced from oil leases and does not include condensate, which is reported separately by the RRC. For full oil and gas production statistics, you can visit the links below.

Statewide totals: https://www.rrc.texas.gov/oil-and-gas/research-and-statistics/production-data/texas-monthly-oil-gas-production/

County rankings: https://www.rrc.texas.gov/oil-and-gas/research-and-statistics/production-data/texas-monthly-oil-gas-production-by-county-ranking/