Sheriff set to request overtime to staff jail

Ector County Sheriff Mike Griffis is scheduled to speak during Tuesday’s Ector County Commissioner’s Court regarding overtime for courthouse security and all lieutenants to help staff the Ector County Law Enforcement Center.

On Monday morning, Griffis spoke with the Odessa American over the phone about the need to stay in compliance with the Texas Commission on Jail Standards.

Griffis said a number of lieutenants have offered to work overtime as jail staff, but they currently aren’t eligible for overtime as they are classified as administration. Griffis said a number of courthouse security have also offered to work overtime at the jail on the weekends.

“We are very very short in the jail,” Griffis said. “Some of the lieutenants that said they would come to work for overtime and some of the personnel that work at the courthouse said the same on the weekends. We are trying to make sure we keep the ratio up (one detention officer per 48 inmates).”

The Ector County Law Enforcement Center is short about 65 jail staff as of Monday.

Griffis said the shortage of jail staff is a problem throughout the state.

“We aren’t unique in our situation,” Griffis said. “Virtually every decent size jail in the state of Texas is facing shortages just like we are and they are doing things like we are doing to stay in compliance with the jail standards.”

In addition to the overtime request from the sheriff, county commissioners will also hear from Director Ector County Environmental Enforcement/Ector County Emergency Management Coordinator Rickey George about applying for grant funds from the Permian Basin Regional Planning Commission for a regional solid waste grant program. Ector County Judge Debi Hays will also discuss the Required Documentation of Eminent Domain Authority in Texas. There are also three items on the executive session from legal matters to real estate issues and transactions to personnel matters.

In other business, the court will:

>> To approve and present a Proclamation to Harmony Home Children’s Advocacy Center recognizing April as Child Abuse Prevention Month and authorize the County Judge and County Commissioners to sign.

>> Receive an update and status report from the Ector County Library Committee.

>> Consider, discuss, and take any necessary action on a resolution to host the 94th Annual West Texas County Judges and Commissioners Association Conference in 2024 and authorize the County Judge to sign.

>> Consider, discuss and approve repairing fence and gate damaged due to the expansion of Cottonwood Road in Gardendale, Ector County, Texas (Precinct 2) and authorize County Judge to sign all documents associated with this agenda item.

>> Consider, discuss, and approve, reject, modify or take any necessary action regarding the purchase of a Centennial Black Topper 2,000 gallon distributor; and authorize the County Judge to sign.

>> To consider, discuss, and take any necessary action regarding options on total loss designation per Dairyland County Mutual Insurance Co of Texas regarding Unit #853 Ector County Building Maintenance – 2008 Ford F250 Pickup Truck – VIN # 1FTSX20598EA24128 – and to declare this vehicle as “Salvage Property” and dispose of said item per Section 263.151 and remove from County Inventory and authorize the County Judge to sign all documents associated with this agenda item.

>> Consider, discuss, and take any necessary action to approve the Amended Notice of Joint

Constitutional Amendments and the Ector County ISD Bond Election and Amended Election Day Voting Centers and authorize the County Judge to sign.

>> To consider, discuss, approve, reject, or take any other necessary action on the extension of the On-Line Auctioneer Services; and authorize the County Judge to sign.

>> To consider, discuss, and take any necessary action regarding Ector County’s participation in the new request for proposal for Electrical Power Supply being issued by Public Power Pool (P3).

>> To award, reject, discuss, or take any necessary action regarding the cellphone and mobile device services to Verizon Wireless; and authorize the County Judge to sign.

>> To consider, discuss, and take any necessary action to approve the rental agreement with Odessa College for Employee Service Awards Luncheon and authorize the County Judge to sign.

>> To consider, discuss, and take any necessary action to approve exempting the competitive requirement for the purchase of professional medical services and to approve contracting with Dr. Perry Marchioni for psychiatric evaluation services for L-3 requirements.

>> To consider, discuss, and take any necessary action regarding Change Order #4 for Moss Mill & Overlay PO# 38099 and authorize the County Judge to sign all documents associated with this agenda item.

>> To consider, discuss, and necessary action regarding an Amendment to a contract between Tyler Technologies Inc. and the Clerk of Ector County and authorize the County Judge to sign.

>> To consider, discuss, and accept LexisNexis’s migration to a secure cloud environment and authorize the County Judge to sign.

>> To consider, discuss, and approve a contract with Axon, Inc. for body cameras and subscription and authorize the County Judge to sign.

>> To consider, discuss, and take any necessary action on a Replat of Lot 12, Block 1, of the Replat of Lots 1 – 6, Block 1 Pampas Villas, Section 5, Block 41, T-1-S, T&P RY. CO. Survey, of Ector County, Texas (Precinct 2) and authorize the County Judge to sign.

>> To consider, discuss, and take necessary action on Basin Industrial South Subdivision being a Replat of a 78.957 acre tract located in Section 47, Block 44, T-2-S, Texas and Pacific Railroad Survey, Ector County, Texas (Precinct 4) and authorize the County Judge to sign.

>> To review, consider, discuss, approve, and take any necessary action regarding the following proposed Consent Agenda: To consider, discuss, and approve a line item transfer to General Fund, Post Sentence Monitoring, Subscriptions, 001-425-5207 from Contract Services, 001-425-5309 for $4,720.

>> To consider and approve the Accounts Payable Fund Requirements Report for March 8, 2022, to review County financial statements and reports.