POWER Bags are running low at Medical Center Hospital, Odessa Regional Medical Center and Midland Memorial Hospital, so volunteers are needed to pack supplies to finish the year.
POWER stands for Power of Words and Early Reading. A POWER Bag is provided to every mother who gives birth at MCH, ORMC or Midland Memorial.
The remaining supplies need to be packed so they can finish the year. The Education Partnership of the Permian Basin is asking volunteers to help during an event set for Oct. 16 at the West Texas Food Bank, 411 S. Pagewood Ave. The first shift will go from 10 a.m. to noon and the second shift will be from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
They need up to 50 volunteers, 25 volunteers per shift, to fill this need. Volunteers can cover one shift or both. Sign up using this link: tinyurl.com/2d33bkr7
Upon discharge from the hospital, medical staff provides mothers with information about the importance of speaking, interacting, and reading to the newborn. The bags contain information on the importance of speaking, interacting and reading to your newborn, as well as a link to the POWER Bag website and other resources; Milestone Moments, a book from the CDC, a baby toy, and the book “O is for Oil,” by Adrian Vega.