Pfluger welcomes Pastor Darin Wood of Midland as House Guest Chaplain

Pastor Darin Wood, second from left, of The First Baptist Church of Midland served as a Guest Chaplain and delivered a morning prayer to open the official proceedings on the Floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. Congressman August Pfluger recommended Wood for the honor. (Courtesy Photo)

WASHINGTON, D.C. Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) recommended Pastor Darin Wood of The First Baptist Church of Midland to serve as a Guest Chaplain and deliver a morning prayer to open the official proceedings on the Floor of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Pfluger also had the opportunity to honor Pastor Wood on the U.S. House Floor for his service to the Permian Basin.

“Pastor Wood’s leadership and stalwart faith inspire our entire community,” said Congressman Pfluger. “He is a personal mentor to me and has been a great source of wisdom and strength throughout my years in Congress. He delivers a message of hope—that through our faith, we can rest in the knowledge that God is in control.”

Watch Pastor Wood’s prayer on the House Floor at or read a transcript as written below:

“Most Gracious and loving God,

As we gather in this solemn space, we pause to thank you for your kindness, your mercy, your blessings, and most of all your wisdom, especially this election season.

With humility, we ask for your wisdom, your discernment, in these proceedings today and every day in this the People’s House.

We remember our time here is brief, just like Jesus said in Matthew 6, we’re only here for a moment.

So like the cherry blossoms around the Tidal Basin, let us embrace the season you have given us for service to you and the people of this great land.

Grant us your mercy today to remember we are just servants serving you and the people we represent. Allow us to know your peace in this challenging time.

Finally, we pray for strength like Moses or the Apostle Peter, and most of all, like Jesus.

Let us be led faithfully by you to lead others.

In your powerful name, we pray, amen.”

Watch Pfluger’s remarks at