Pfluger: Thank you for the opportunity to serve

This past month, U.S. Rep. August Pfluger, R-Texas, spent time serving the U.S. as a reserve officer in the United States Air Force. Reflecting upon his military service, Pfluger said he is grateful to everyone in the 11th District of Texas for the outpouring of support during this time. I would like to especially thank my wife Camille and our family for the sacrifices they make alongside my service.

“I spent almost 20 years on active duty. Having the opportunity to reconnect with this aspect of my service and understand the challenges that our military is going through is invaluable. There are so many incredible men and women serving this country who signed up to put the country ahead of themselves and it was incredibly impactful to work alongside them. They want to serve, and they want to know that the mission is making a difference in protecting our great nation.

“Our world continues to be a dangerous place, especially with increasing aggression from Russia, China, Iran, and other violent terrorist extremists around the globe. We need to ensure the men and women serving our country in uniform have the tools, resources, and capabilities to complete the mission at hand.

“I know that every individual who wears the uniform joins me in having a shared sense of pride and love for this country. Our service members put themselves in harm’s way each day to protect our liberties and freedoms. Their sacrifice and commitment to the United States of America, along with their families, are invaluable.

“I have hope and continue to be inspired by their courage and patriotism. May God continue to bless our country and service members abroad and at home,” he said in his newsletter.