Patrick launches Texas Senate Leadership Fund

HOUSTON Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick recently announced the formation of the Texas Senate Leadership Fund. This new political action committee has been created to advance the goals of the conservative majority in the Texas Senate.

“There are other PACs where donors may support the work done by various House and Senate Caucuses and even to support the mission of House Leadership. But, until now, there hasn’t been a place to support the work on the Texas Senate Leadership in fulfilling its goals,” Patrick said in a news release.

“The Texas Senate has a stellar record of leadership in Texas on issues affecting Texans of every stripe. Whether it is matters of border security, economic prosperity, or education, the Texas Senate leads. Texans know they can count on the Texas Senate to lead on controlling property taxes, securing Second Amendment rights and ensuring voter integrity. On issues like public health, mental health, and caring for vulnerable populations, the Texas Senate leads. Preparing for the future needs of Texas addressing transportation, economic development, and infrastructure, the Texas Senate leads. Every day, we lead on the issues most important to the daily lives of working Texans.

“In order to ensure the resources to support the mission of the conservative majority in the Texas Senate, I have launched this new political action committee,” Patrick said in the release.