Parable of 10 Virgins shows need for preparation

Revs. Rollie and Archie say Jesus’ story harbinger of future

This is English artist John Everett Millais’ depiction of the 10 virgins after the arrival of the bridegroom. Millais lived from 1829-96. (Courtesy Photo)

Jesus told the Parable of the 10 Virgins in Matthew 25:1-13 to emphasize the necessity of preparing for his return.

That’s according to the Revs. Donnie Rollie and Windsor Archie, who say the five foolish virgins who didn’t bring oil for their lamps were shut out when the bridegroom arrived while the five wise ones who had brought oil were admitted to the wedding banquet.

“We have to work with the gifts that have been given to us and that will allow others to be presented to Jesus Christ and show who he is,” said the Rev. Rollie, pastor of Manna of the Word Ministries. “Whatever has been given to you, work it in obedience to Christ.

“We have to work the gift he has given. Don’t bury it or sit on it and do nothing.”

Rollie said gifts are given to Christians like the abilities to speak, sing or in other ways to serve “not to show how gifted we are but to show the giver of the gift.

“It is not for us to get the hour and the glory out of it, it is to turn people to Jesus.”

He said the five wise virgins show the wisdom of prayer.

“Ask what it is that God would have you do,” Rollie said. “They heard the word of God and did what that word called them to do.

“We need to know what god has given us, walk in that and be the light in the dark world.”

The Rev. Archie, pastor of Rose of Sharon Missionary Baptist Church, said the five wise virgins knew the bridegroom would eventually arrive and they made preparations like people should prepare for Jesus’ second coming.

Citing Matthew 24:36, Archie said, “No man knows the day or the hour.

“Some are like the foolish virgins and have not made any preparations. That’s what separates the wise from the foolish and the saints from the sinners.”

He said the most essential preparation is to obey God’s word.

“The most important commands are to love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength and to love your neighbor as yourself,” Archie said. “If we learn how to do those things, we will be prepared for Jesus’ arrival whenever he shows up.

“If you don’t love God, you can’t love your neighbor.”

He said the mass shootings around the nation “show that there is not much love in the world.

“It’s the work of the devil,” Archie said. “He wants us to hate one another.”