OC board holds tax rate hearing

The Odessa College Board of Trustees held a public hearing on the proposed tax rate for 2022 Tuesday in the Saulsbury Campus Center.

The vote on the rate will be at the trustees’ regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 27 in the Zant Room of the Saulsbury Campus Center.

The board approved the recommended rate in August. When it goes into effect, the total rate will be $1.88643 per $100 valuation.

The maintenance and operations rate will be $1.164191 per $100 valuation and the debt service rate will be $.024452 per $100 valuation.

Officials have said the total rate is a decrease of 6.5 percent. Since the new tax rate is above the no new revenue rate, but below the voter approved rate the college had to hold hearings. Taxes will likely still increase as appraisals are up.