Native Odessan returns to head IDEA Public Schools

Dr. Annette Macias

A familiar face is taking on the job of Executive Director of IDEA Public Schools in the Permian Basin — Annette Macias.

In her 27-year career in education, Macias’ experience spans positions such as Executive Director for School Improvement, Director of Student Support, principal, and bilingual teacher.

She has served in Odessa, Midland and most recently Houston ISD. She started her new job with IDEA in July.

IDEA has a campus in Odessa and one in Midland, IDEA Yukon and IDEA Travis, respectively.

“This year, we’re expanding to high school (at IDEA Yukon), which is great and that’s really what pulled me back this direction was the expansion to the high school. That’s a focus. That’s where we hone in on with our students is college and career ready. With the work that I’ve done in the past, I think I can help make an impact,” Macias said.

She added that she believes in IDEA’s mission of college for all.

“With IDEA, all means all so nearly 100% of IDEA’s students do go on to college and so that’s something that attracted me to IDEA. Also, just coming back home,” Macias said.

Growing up in the Permian Basin and going back and forth between El Paso and the Juarez, Mexico, area, she learned that economic mobility is difficult.

“But then you have the bust and the booms of the oilfield and so really understanding those dynamics helps us help kids attain the goal of being college and career ready and not just saying that we have them ready but we actually follow through at IDEA. We work with parents and families of students to get them ready for college. They go on college visits. We provide AP courses. We help families with financial aid applications, college applications, a lot of work alongside families so that students know what is available to them and that college can be attained for everybody that attends school at IDEA,” Macias said.

She went from Odessa College to University of Texas Permian Basin to earn a bachelor’s in Spanish and multicultural education and a master’s in special education.

She also took a doctorate in educational leadership policy from Texas Tech University.

An Odessa native, she went back and forth to El Paso and Juarez, Mexico, where they would live for a few months a year with her grandmother.

Coming from an immigrant family, her parents always reinforced the importance of education.

When some of her family came to the U.S. from Mexico, their house is where they got their start. Her parents invested in the family.

“I want to carry that forward,” Macias said.

When she first started teaching prekindergarten 3- and 4-year-old students, she served a “100 percent” economically disadvantaged population. That is IDEA’s target population, she said.

Macias first wanted to be a principal, but she didn’t really have anyone to guide her. But she learned she had to get her degree and be a teacher first.

“Having to navigate that, it took me a little bit longer to realize how to get to where I wanted to be. That’s why I think it’s important that we fill this role and help our families and students really understand how to get there, how to achieve that college and career readiness and be able to get to college,” Macias said.

She has been a teacher, principal and served in executive director roles.

The main goal at IDEA is to get students to and through college. IDEA Travis is adding 10th grade this year and IDEA Yukon is adding freshmen.

“My goal for the region is to provide high-quality seats for parents and students, for us to be the district of choice that if a parent or a student decides that they want to be a part of IDEA Public Schools to go to college, or earn a degree and get the education that is required to get there, that that’s what IDEA Public Schools is about,” Macias said.

She added that IDEA is growing and that was another thing that drew her to it.

Macias has two daughters and three grandchildren.

“They are my why,” she said.

Jeff Cottrill, superintendent and CEO of IDEA Public Schools, is pleased to have her on board.

“Dr. Macias is deeply dedicated to serving families and ensuring all children have an equal opportunity to obtain an excellent education,” Cottrill said. “Her leadership and commitment to excellence are clear in everything she has accomplished in her professional career, and I have no doubt that she will lead IDEA Permian Basin to great success.”