Mom ordered not to cremate boy

Ector County District Court Judge Justin Low ruled Wednesday a woman accused of murdering her son can make arrangements to bury the boy, but she can not cremate him.

Arturo Coca, 8, died Nov. 5 and his mother, Megan Lange, and his stepfather, Rodolfo Reyes, were arrested on suspicion of capital murder 12 days later after an autopsy revealed he’d been strangled to death and was severely malnourished at the time of his death.

Ector County Sheriff Mike Griffis has said Arturo weighed 35 pounds when he died.

Ector County District Attorney Dusty Gallivan filed a motion asking Low to prevent Lange from disposing of Arturo’s remains, noting the couple has not yet been indicted and the disposal could “unduly interfere” with his duties.

During a short hearing Wednesday, Gallivan clarified he wasn’t seeking to prevent the boy’s burial, just his cremation. He said Lange had indicated she wanted the boy cremated.

One of Lange’s attorneys, Gavin Norris, said his client did not object to Gallivan’s motion.

Lange, 29, and Reyes, 33, are also each facing an injury to a child charge. They remain in custody on $3 million bonds.

Lange did not attend Wednesday’s hearing.