MISD-created counseling tool adopted by state agency

MIDLAND The Texas Education Agency (TEA) has announced plans to standardize monitoring for counselor compliance with the state’s 80/20 Rule. The state will use a tracking document created by Midland ISD Mental Health Coordinator Taylor Harris that has been used by the district the past two school years.

Earlier this year, the TEA audited school districts across the state to verify compliance with the 80/20 Rule. MISD submitted its monthly log, which meticulously tracks counselors’ time allocation in accordance with TEA guidelines. Impressed by its efficiency and thoroughness, the TEA reached out to MISD in June to request permission to use the log as a model for other districts statewide.

“We are honored that the TEA has chosen to adopt our tracking document as the standard for districts across Texas,” Harris said in a news release. “We are committed to supporting the mental health and well-being of our students, and I am proud to have helped contribute to that effort across the state.”

The TEA 80/20 Rule ensures school counselors dedicate 80% of their time to direct services for students, such as counseling, guidance lessons, and academic interventions, while the remaining 20% can be spent on indirect services, including administrative tasks and program planning. The goal of the rule is to maximize counselors’ impact on student outcomes by focusing their efforts on direct interactions with students.