Midland Habitat for Humanity dedicates 195th house in program’s history

Home funded and built by Pioneer Natural Resources

MIDLAND Midland Habitat for Humanity (MHFH) celebrated a significant milestone on Monday, July 15, with the dedication of its 195th home in the 900 block on N. Baird St. to the Angelica Brown family. The dedication ceremony marked another step forward in the organization’s mission to provide truly affordable housing to deserving families in West Texas. Funding for the home was made available by Pioneer Natural Resources. Pioneer employees also dedicated a week of their time on-site helping to build the home.

Brown, an employee with the City of Midland, has worked tirelessly to achieve this dream. Completing 250 hours of “sweat equity” on the worksite and successfully graduating from Habitat’s homeowner college class, she has demonstrated remarkable dedication and commitment, a news release said.

Joey Hopkins, MHFH’s Executive Director, said in the release, “We’re so happy for Angelica. She worked her tail off to make this dream a reality. Habitat is proud to be a solution for families like hers, and so many more, who are truly the backbone of our community.”

Angelica Brown and her children pose for a photo in their new home. Funding for the home was made available by Pioneer Natural Resources. (Photo Courtesy of Midland Habitat for Humanity)

At the dedication Brown expressed the profound impact this new home will have on their family: “This has changed me and my children’s lives forever. I’m creating generational wealth for my children. A forever home for them. They have a backyard they can safely play in. My children don’t have to walk quietly through an apartment, they can play, tumble, enjoy music and simply be children. I can mark their height on the wall as they grow older, like we see in the movies. I don’t have to look over my shoulder any longer wondering if it all will be taken away.”

Lynn Rogers, MHFH’s Neighborhood Liaison, had this to say “Angelica’s determination, hard work, and faith are evident and a big part of her success in our program. These things are changing her life and the life of her children! I’m so glad we could be a part of her journey to make a better future for her family.”

MHFH is one of the premier institutions responsible for constructing affordable housing in the Permian Basin. The organization’s partnership model offers deserving, hard-working families a hand-up. MHFH uses a rigorous qualifying process that includes progress from the application through homeownership. Each participant contributes a minimum of 250 hours of “sweat equity” on the worksite and completes a homeownership education program. Successful candidates are then awarded a 0% interest mortgage, making homeownership a reality for some of the most deserving families in the Permian Basin.

Anyone interested in supporting MHFH’s efforts in the Permian Basin can contact Jeff Meyers, Chief of Staff, at 432-686-8877.