Midland College professor, published author teaches creative writing

Midland College offers the community an opportunity to take a creative writing class from published author and MC English Professor Stacy Austin Egan, a press release detailed.

The course runs Jan. 18 to May 10 on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:30 a.m. to 10:50 am. Students may take the course as a graded college credit course, or community members may enroll for the course as a personal enrichment continuing education course.

Those interested in college credit should visit midland.edu/enroll. Those wishing to take the course through the college’s Community Programs Continuing Education department may visit midland.edu/cpce or call 432-685-4518.

“During the course, students will have opportunities to connect with people who have similar interests as we study various works of published short fiction and discuss how to create complex characters, vivid settings, interesting dialogue and compelling plots,” Egan stated in the press release. “I will introduce students to new stories and authors, and we will discuss future careers in creative writing. Students will generate three of their own short stories and learn how to revise their work through instructor feedback in a positive and collaborative workshop environment. We will also discuss submission strategies for short fiction, and if there is interest, we can touch on genres like screenwriting and long form fiction (novellas/novels) as well as strategies for querying agents.”