Man sentenced to 250 years in child porn case

A 36-year-old Odessa man who went on trial Monday on 25 counts of possession of child pornography pleaded guilty Tuesday in the 358th Ector County District Court.

The jury sentenced David to the maximum sentence of 10 years on each count and Judge John Shrode ran each sentence consecutive to one another, said Ector County District Attorney Dusty Gallivan.

According to a Texas Department of Public Safety arrest affidavit, a CyberTipline Report from Google submitted a tip to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children on Dec. 29, 2021. Google said that from March 6, 2021 and Dec. 28, 2021, 71 files believed to be child pornography were uploaded to a Google cloud based storage account. The Google user account information was provided which included Chavez’s name, mobile number, date of birth and verified Gmail address.

DPS says it submitted a request for an administrative subpoena with the subscriber’s IP address and phone numbers. Two days later, DPS received the administrative subpoena return for the IP address for a Cable One account listed to Chavez.

According to DPS, Special Agent Michael Harless reviewed and documented the file associated with the CyberTip. The CyberTip stated 71 files had been uploaded from the Google subscriber account controlled by Chavez and at least 40 had been downloaded. The uploaded files consisted of images and videos of juvenile pubescent and pre-pubescent girls by themselves and engaged in sex acts with adult men and women, DPS stated.

Assistant District Attorneys Kourtney Williams and Steven Lively were assigned to the case and Chavez’s attorney was Johanna Curry.