LBJ Elementary kicks off Annual Book Float and Reading Challenge with Storybook Parade

By Dr. Zenovia Crier

LBJ Principal

L.B.J. Elementary recently launched its annual Book Float and Storybook Character Parade, a beloved tradition where students creatively bring the settings of their favorite stories to life.

This year, students showcased their imagination by decorating carts, wagons, and bikes, while staff, parents, and children alike dressed as their favorite storybook characters to celebrate the official start of the school’s reading challenges. This month, our challenge is the Hallow-Read. Students have to read and log into Beanstack 15 spooky books.

This year’s reading program is powered by Beanstack, a shift from last year’s use of Accelerated Reader (AR) and MyOn. Both previous programs were well-loved by the students, parents, and staff but L.B.J. Elementary is excited to blend the joy of reading physical books with the convenience of the Epic Free Program, which provides access to digital books. The school’s goal is for each student to read 40 books this year, and as an added incentive, completing this challenge will earn a ticket to the highly anticipated Annual Mother’s Day Tea, which will feature a delightful princess storybook theme that mothers and grandmothers can enjoy.

With last year’s total of over 10,000 books read, L.B.J. Elementary has set a new goal of 16,000 books for this school year. The school’s reading success is on the rise, having achieved significant growth in the Reading MAP assessments last year, placing them just behind their friendly rival, San Jacinto Elementary. L.B. J. showed significant growth placing the campus in 2nd Place in the entire district with MAP Reading growth. The competition has sparked excitement among the students, who are determined to outread their peers this year and take the top spot. Look Out San Jacinto. The challenge is on.

Principal Dr. Zenovia Crier expressed her gratitude to the school’s previous EDL, Erin Bueno and the Interim Superintendent Dr. Keeley Boyer, who both were strong supporters of the principal’s vision and the parents’ involvement at L.B.J. “Our parents are incredible,” Dr. Crier said. “They go above and beyond to ensure students are reading at least 20 minutes every night, which has been instrumental in our success.” Parents have also shared their excitement about L.B.J.’s fun and engaging learning environment, with Friday “Stuffed Animal Reading Days” where students bring a plush friend to sit on their desks while they read or tackle math problems on I-Ready.

Ms. Lydia Ybarra, Media Specialist, expressed that L.B.J. Elementary School is an amazing place for any adult or student that loves reading. Dr. Crier has allowed us to be professionals and try initiatives that lend themselves to showing significant growth in all academic areas. She allows us to be innovative in the way we teach students-she is good to go with it as long as it works for students.

Ms. Tabitha Wooldridge, L.B.J.’s PTA President and an extremely hard worker and forward thinker has expressed her love for the campus and how students are always happy when she comes to the campus. She indicated that she has the administration’s back and know the students are thriving on campus. The PTA has purchased many incentives for students for all subjects. Other sponsors include-Sam’s Club in Midland, Atmos Energy, Education Foundation of Odessa, and parents just wanting better for students. LBJ has been donated over $20,000 and counting in funds to purchase curriculum, books, and incentives for the campus.

Dr. Crier noted that campuses are more successful with parent support and we have parents that want to support our reading initiatives and that is exciting. The parents are always in the mix and we are grateful for that.

As the reading challenges begin, the entire L.B.J. community is buzzing with excitement. With strong support from parents, staff, and the district, the school is set to surpass their goals and continue their tradition of fostering a love for reading.