LANDGRAF: Fulfill your civic duty: Get out and vote

By State Rep. Brooks Landgraf

It’s that time again – time to exercise one of our most sacred and important rights, the right that provides the mechanism to protect all other rights. It’s time to exercise our right to vote.

Tuesday, November 8th is Election Day. To find the polling location nearest to you visit: As a strong believer in our form of government, I encourage every single eligible Texas voter to make your voice heard in the 2022 midterm elections.

Each time an election approaches I’m always reminded of a famous conversation between Benjamin Franklin and concerned citizens of Philadelphia outside of the Pennsylvania state house during the 1787 Constitutional Convention. When asked what sort of government was going to result from the deliberations taking place inside the state house, Dr. Franklin replied, “a republic, if you can keep it.” Shortly thereafter, the United States Constitution was adopted and ratified by the states.

Ladies and gentlemen: the fundamental way to keep our republic is to vote. Unfortunately, when the office of President is not on the ballot, voter turnout falls dramatically. Let that not be the case this time, especially here in Texas, where we have the perspective to see how much is truly on the line.

I’ve talked a lot about some of the plans the EPA has for the Permian Basin, how unelected bureaucrats are attempting to shut down the Texas energy industry. Federal agencies are part of the executive branch of government, like the President, whose power is checked by the legislative and judicial branches of government. So while these EPA officials and the President ultimately responsible for their employment might not be on the ballot themselves, the members of Congress who have the ability to check their power are on the ballot on Tuesday.

What’s best for the Permian Basin is what’s best for our state and nation, and we need people in Washington D.C. and Austin who understand and believe that. It is up to West Texans to take the lead, to set the example for other communities and states to follow. Americans want energy independence, and the people (and geology) of the Texas Permian Basin can make that happen if we have a government in place that prioritizes the needs of a nation over the whims of a few wealthy coastal elites.

Benjamin Franklin and the rest of the Founding Fathers responsible for the drafting of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights were a product of their experiences just like any other human being. They separated the government into three co-equal branches, balanced in their powers because our Founding Fathers knew what inevitably happens when government authority goes unchecked.

However, the ultimate check to government power provided in the Constitution, the fundamental method by which the balance of power is shifted away from the government and to the people, is through our elections.

You, Texas voter, hold all of the power – the power to save Texas energy and preserve the American Dream.

God bless Texas!