ELAM: Is the issue Ukraine, or Poland?

President Biden himself nixed the idea of providing Poland’s MIG fighters to the Ukraine. And he nixed the idea of completely sanctioning all Russia oil and gas sales. This week the Russian Foreign Minister admitted his country intentionally targeted the Ukraine maternity hospital, a cowardly, evil act indeed.

Trey Gowdy posed an interesting question of Fox this week. NATO will not fight for Ukraine as it is not a NATO member. But is NATO telling us that if Putin advances to one more country, Poland, Europe’s NATO will launch in to action full force? Really?

Tucked away on page A19 in today’s Wall Street Journal is this revelation. A Quinnipac University poll asked what would you do if the USA experienced a Ukraine type invasion? 52% of the Democrats responding said they would flee. I wonder where that would be? Meanwhile 68% of the Republicans pledged to stay, 25% would join the Democrats.

Meanwhile John Kerry opines that if the refugees from Ukraine look awful, imagine the refugees from global warming! Huh?

This is the sort of calculus that prompts a Putin to believe there will be no permanent damage from his unilateral attack. I agree with Mr. Gowdy. Poland unlike the US, does not have the moat of the Atlantic ocean between itself and Russia. Far better to let the Ukraines fight today than ourselves tomorrow. But nope says the U.S., look out for yourself.

Putin will no doubt ‘take’ the Ukraine after destroying a good deal of what passed for homes and apartments. It is doubtful he will have much left to rule over. And frozen from relations with the West, he will likely become an energy source of China.

Memo to Bernie Sanders and AOC-socialism does not work. Its lack of accomplishment and failure to motivate seeps into every nook and cranny. Observe that the modernized Soviet Army cannot master puppy chain logistics or produce enough spare tires. Putin lacks a real economy still a third rate nation with a second rate military.

After trading thousands of points both up and down the stock market returns to its January 24 level measured by the Dow Industrials. With three trillion dollars of FED spending and more from Washington, the money supply is screaming to the upside while the same FED diddles. Team Biden won’t embargo all Russian energy for fear of even higher gasoline prices. Expect inflation to be front and center this year. With February passing oil prices have peaked for the time being.