Acting on the Texas Transportation Commission’s Aug. 31 approval, the Permian Basin Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Board has voted unanimously to proceed with a total of $865.8 million in projects that entail the widening of Interstate 20 to six lanes over the 15 miles from JBS Parkway south of Odessa to east of State Highway 349 at Midland.
Stepping up the first phase of the ambitious I-20 job to be completed within four years, the PBMPO also OK’d a host of other projects including widening I-20 by 2030 from JBS Parkway west to Farm-to-Market Road 1936 and from 349, or the Rankin Highway, east to Farm-to-Market Road 1208.
MPO Executive Director Cameron Walker said constructing an interchange at State Highway 191 and Yukon Road and building or reconstructing ramps and converting frontage roads to one way on all the I-20 jobs are also planned.
Walker said other work will be the realignment of the rail crossing at County Road 1250 and safety improvements on Farm-to-Market Road 1882, or West County Road, on 42nd Street, which is an extension of 191, at the intersection of 52nd and 56th streets at East Loop 338 and on State Highway 158 at Wadley and Briarwood avenues in Midland.