Henry highlights OFR quarterly promotions with division captain honors

During Tuesday’s quarterly promotions ceremony, Odessa Fire Rescue Chief John Alvarez named one new division captain, one captain, two engineers and six firefighters who received their one-year shields.

The ceremony took place at the central fire station with family, friends and fellow first responders in attendance.

Alvarez said it’s special to be able to watch people grow through the department.

“It’s a great honor and it’s a great privilege for me to be their fire chief,” he said. “To see them grow and move into these positions and take on additional roles in this department.

“Ultimately we are in this together and we want make this team a better team.”

Tyler Henry was named the newest division captain, while Brock Pittman received captain honors. Colton Pena and Andrew McElroy were both promoted to engineer. Blake Bentley, Casey Lee, Kyle Vaught, Jacob Gardner, Sam Fred and Raymundo Garcia are no longer required to wear their red rookie shields and they received their one-year black shields.

Henry, who is a 13-year veteran of the fire department, said he is humbled to receive this promotion. Henry’s division captain badge was pinned on by grandfather, Wesley Henry.

OFR’s new division captain said he’s grateful for the opportunity to rise in the ranks.

“The future excites me in this department,” Tyler Henry said. “Every day it gets a little better. I want to be part of that. That was a big drive of me wanting to move up. I want to be an intricate part of the improvements and the future of this department.”

Henry said it makes him feel confident that personnel at OFR believe in him.

“I’ve always worked hard and I’ve prided myself in my hard work and not cutting corners,” Henry said. “I’ve always had a good, strong crew that I coached and pushed. It feels gratifying to heard that from them because it shows that my work hasn’t gone unnoticed.”

As Alvarez was speaking during the ceremony, he explained the firefighters who received their one-year shields have built a foundation and now they can continue to grow.

Gardner, a 30-year-old from Arizona, said he’s eager to continue to gain first-hand experience.

Prior to joining OFR, Gardner had previous firefighting experience in Arizona. He said he has lived in Odessa for about a year and half and enjoys the colleagues.

“Odessa Fire has been great,” Gardner said. “They are definitely a good department. We are very busy. The experience you gain here is definitely unmatched to a lot of other departments.”

Odessa Fire Rescue promotions

Division Captain: Tyler Henry.

Captain: Brock Pittman.

Engineer: Colton Pena and Andrew McElroy.

One year shields: Blake Bentley, Casey Lee, Kyle Vaught, Jacob Gardner, Sam Fred, Raymundo Garcia.