GUEST VIEW: Country’s future relies on your vote today

EDITOR’S NOTE: Ector County Party Chair Donna Kelm asked the OA to re-publish this piece from the National Federation of Republican Women on behalf of the Ector County Republican Women and Ector County GOP.

By Vivian L. Childs

Casting your vote is not as simple as it should be, but it really is. There are too many players in play for a decision that should be made by one individual who happens to be you and only you.

So, let me pitch to you an opportunity to release the ball from your own bat.

An election day game changer has to do with voting and why some people fear a box…the ballot box. Some people would rather stay home than face the wrath they fear will come from friends, acquaintances, and/or associates because of how they choose to vote. The truth is that voters should feel free to exercise their right to vote privately without fear of persecution or consequence.

Please do not be swayed by misinformation. Once you have decided to get off the bench and play ball, your focus should be on crossing home plate. Without voters, like some you may know, voting in a presidential election causes at least four years of living under an agenda that is a detriment to our well-being. To halt the chaos caused by some not voting, for whatever the reason, is a moment for prayer and action.

We need to challenge our fellow Americans to play ball. The terms of the challenge are to vet the candidates with the same degree of inspection you would if you were purchasing your dream home or luxury car. Yes, it is that important. It is CRUCIAL!

Every day of the year, except for one, you practice values and morals based on what you have been taught is right or righteous. But… on that one day which is called Election Day, you vote against your morals, your values, and everything that is contrary to what you believe and practice throughout the rest of the year. You throw out your own self to listen to things that are outside of the realm of His Words, your parents’ words, and your grandparents’ words.

Regardless of what you have been told, the voting system is uniquely set up for your voting experience to be yours alone. You do not have to vote opposite of your beliefs because of fear, because of affiliations, or because of doing what you have been told to do to follow the crowd. Whenever you choose to cast your vote, you can freely walk into the voting booth and make your vote based on YOUR decision.

Guess what? No one is watching you but Him. So…look up, ask Him what He would do and vote accordingly, because no one will ever know how you voted unless you tell them. When you are finished, please remember to get your little sticker that signifies that you voted.

Our country’s future relies on your vote today.


Vivian L. Childs is a longtime member of Middle Georgia Republican Women and has held several leadership positions in the NFRW. She is a member of the 2024 Black Americans for Trump coalition and is senior advisor to Wayne Johnson for Congress.