For Anthony Garcia, becoming principal at Odessa High School means a new job with new responsibilities, but at the same time, it’s familiar territory.

Garcia, who was most recently principal at Wilson & Young Medal of Honor Middle School, has been an assistant principal at OHS.

“I’m excited to be here; excited to be back,” Garcia said during a meet and greet Wednesday at the OHS Performing Arts Center.

Garcia has been with Ector County ISD for eight years off and on, including serving as a coach and special education teacher at Crockett Middle School, an assistant principal at OHS and three years as principal of Wilson & Young Medal of Honor Middle School. He also has taught in Lubbock.

Odessa High School’s head football coach Dusty Ortiz, left, introduces OHS’s new principal Anthony Garcia to members of the athletic department during a meet and greet Wednesday morning at the OHS Performing Arts Center. (Odessa American/Eli Hartman)

He replaces Mauricio Marquez who is now an executive director for leadership.

“It is familiar, the place is familiar, but the responsibilities are going to be a little bit different because of the added responsibilities,” Garcia said.

If you combine all the staff members, Garcia said there are 280-300 at OHS with close to 4,000 students.

There are 11 administrators total, including Garcia, on campus.

As an assistant principal at OHS, he was in charge of about 1,000 students. Wilson & Young had about 1,200 students. Having a strong team at OHS will also help.

“I think my previous experience of being an assistant principal and working closely with the district personnel, as well as having an opportunity to lead a campus already. I think my biggest preparation was probably being an assistant principal here at Odessa High School; understanding the high school gives me a leg up,” Garcia said.

Originally from Abilene, Garcia earned an associate degree in general studies from South Plains College, an education degree from Texas Tech University and a master’s degree in educational leadership from Stephen F. Austin University.

He said becoming OHS principal was the next step in his career.

Odessa High School’s head football coach Dusty Ortiz, left, talks with OHS’s new principal Anthony Garcia during a meet and greet Wednesday morning at the OHS Performing Arts Center. (Odessa American/Eli Hartman)

“When I first began in administration, I gave myself specific goals knowing that I wanted to be a head principal of a campus and once I had the opportunity to be a head principal at the middle school, my next step would be at the high school. I also have another goal, which I’d have set for myself is that once I accomplish this goal is to work downtown as an executive director of leadership to help coach principals. I want to be able to be someone that is a principals’ coach and help lead campuses …,” Garcia said. “So it’s a plan.”

He added that having the meet and greet is beneficial.

“I believe it’s helpful to get connected to the staff and community. … Having this opportunity to come and visit with people and chat a little bit gives everybody a little bit of a sense of who I am before the first day of school,” Garcia said.

Garcia said the ninth graders will return Aug. 9-10 and all other students on Aug. 11.

Executive Director for Leadership Robert Cedillo said the meet and greet gets teachers familiar with their colleagues and the principal familiar with his or her staff.

New teachers report July 29 and professional development for all teachers starts Aug. 2, Cedillo said.

“The effectiveness comes from just starting relationships with staff or teachers, the community,” Cedillo said.

Odessa High School’s new principal Anthony Garcia, left, talks with OHS faculty during a meet and greet Wednesday morning at the OHS Performing Arts Center. (Odessa American/Eli Hartman)

Garcia and his wife, Melissa, have two children. Melissa is a counselor at Crockett Middle School.

Alyssa Garcia, his daughter, is an instructional facilitator for ECISD and is working on her certification to become a teacher.

Their son, Ace, is a junior at Permian High School and a varsity tennis player.

“I’m excited to be here. I’m excited to work with Odessa High staff. I’m excited to work again with the community on the west side of Odessa because I’ve been on the east side for the past three years,” Garcia said.

He added that there are a lot of familiar faces and a lot of new faces.

“But that makes the transition … well worth it,” Garcia said.