Broncho Legacy will take on a country-western flavor for their spring show.

Set for May 6 and 7 at 7:30 p.m. at the Odessa High School Performing Arts Center, the theme is “Grand Ole Opry.”

A pre-show dinner featuring burgers and all the fixins, will be provided by the Chuck Wagon Gang at 6 p.m. Ticket prices are $20 for the Chuck Wagon dinner; $15 for premier seating; $10 for reserved seating; and $5 for students and children.

Head Choir Director Ginger Storey said a lot of the songs will have a country-western flair, but there will still be some rock and pop numbers performed by the soloists.

There are 14 vocalists, four managers and one sound guy, Storey said.

Members have to audition to be part of Broncho Legacy and academically eligible to participate.

“We have a live band that includes Karen Eychaner and Jacob Garcia, Ezaiah Cisneros, Johnny Saldivar and Caleb Williams,” Storey said.

The drummer, Cisneros, is in the OHS band drumline.

Bronchos Legacy members rehearse for their upcoming show ‘Grand Ole Opry’ Monday, April 25, in the OHS Performing Arts Center. The show is set for May 6 and 7 at 7:30 p.m. at the Odessa High School Performing Arts Center. (Jacob Ford|Odessa American)

The group has been rehearsing since January.

“We’ve already performed some of the songs. We did the Permian Basin Rehab Center telethon that was aired over this weekend, but we had to video it back in February. So two of the songs that they performed as a group are in the show and then we … opened for Foreigner last week. All three of those songs are in the show,” Storey said.

She said the country songs aren’t more difficult to sing.

“The more straightforward traditional ones aren’t too hard at all. Our a cappella piece is probably the most difficult because it has a lot of really tight harmonies in it. That one’s not a country song; it’s kind of a gospel song,” Storey said.

The students didn’t balk at singing country.

“They’re enjoying it, I think, because the songs they’re singing are fun. They’re singing a lot of really fun songs. Our opener is ‘Seven Bridges Road’ and that’s really an Eagles song, but it’s been covered by a country artist,” Storey said.

Leiz Regalado, an 18-year-old senior, is in her second year with Legacy.

“When I was in sixth grade, I saw them singing and ever since then, I really wanted to be in Legacy,” Regalado said.

She’s excited about the show, but sad at the same time because she’s a senior.

Regalado said she plans to attend University of Texas Permian Basin and study management information systems.

She said singing country songs was an interesting choice.

“It wouldn’t have been my pick, but I’m really glad we did it,” Regalado said.

She added that she is already listening to some of the songs to memorize them, but may continue.

Regalado urged people to come to purchase tickets for the show. Students get credit for each sale.

Bronchos Legacy’s Jason Martinez, Christian Suarez, Laramie Vires, Azari Byford, and Devin Castillo rehearse for their upcoming show ‘Grand Ole Opry’ Monday, April 25, in the OHS Performing Arts Center. The show is set for May 6 and 7 at 7:30 p.m. at the Odessa High School Performing Arts Center. (Jacob Ford|Odessa American)

Laramie Vires, an 18-year-old senior, has been with Legacy for three years. He plans to attend UTPB and study kinesiology.

“I like singing,” Vires said.

He added that he’s ready to end the year with a bang, “make it something to remember.”