Cornyn sounds alarm: Schumer’s Senate working just 18 days until November

WASHINGTON Wednesday on the floor, U.S. Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) discussed Democrat Leader Schumer’s embarrassingly sparse legislative schedule through Election Day, which has the Senate working only 18 of the next 104 days despite multiple looming deadlines, and highlighted his colleagues’ hard work to secure floor votes on the Kids Online Safety Act and the Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video can be found here.

“We have 104 days until the election, and the Senate is scheduled to be in session for only 18 days. That’s about one day a week.”

“We have a mountain of critical work that needs to be completed before the end of the fiscal year.”

“You would think the National Defense Authorization Act would be a priority, but apparently not for Leader Schumer.”

“We have to pass all 12 annual appropriations bills.”

“We also need to pass a farm bill to support our mighty agriculture industry and the dedicated farmers, and ranchers, and producers that depend on it.”

“The Majority Leader has given us 18 days to complete 14 bills.”

“We’ve heard countless hearings across multiple committees to learn about the danger that kids face online, as well as Big Tech’s failures to keep our children safe. Senators have authored a number of bipartisan bills to keep kids safe, and we’ve been clamoring for a long time for the Majority Leader to put those bills on the Senate floor.”

“Senator Schumer has hit the pause button on the partisan show votes, at least for a week, so we can take action on two critical bills to address this crisis.”

“It’s great the Senate is finally doing some productive work for a change, but it’s embarrassing that it’s taken this long to put this legislation on the floor, which only the Majority Leader can do.”