COMING FULL CIRCLE: Auld recognized as CMN ‘champion’

Each year, local Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals identify a ‘champion’ to serve as the face of the children treated at their local hospital.

This year, Children’s Miracle Network at Medical Center Health System has awarded the honor to nine-year-old Lorelei Auld.

Auld, who lives in Andrews, was honored in a ceremony Thursday afternoon at MCH.

She and her mother Carla Wilson were recognized by the Ector County Hospital District Board of Directors during their regularly scheduled board meeting.

“It’s very exciting,” Wilson said of her daughter’s recognition. “It’s like seeing the story come full circle for her. She was one of the NICU patients and now she gets to help spread the word to advocate for other children in the hospital.”

Auld was born four months premature in August 2013 and needed immediate medical attention after her birth.

She was septic, had severe bleeding in the brain, struggled to breathe on her own and experienced a low heart rate.

Because of the funds and donations made by the Children’s Miracle Network, Lorelei was able to receive the proper treatment and Wilson is grateful that Auld was born at a CMN Hospital like MCH.

“Children’s Miracle Network helped Lorelei a lot while she was in the hospital and they provided medical equipment that helped save her life so she was able to get the best care possible when she was born about four months early,” Wilson said. “So we are wanting to help more children and infants get the help that she got when she needed it. So we’re excited to spread the word about what Children’s Miracle Network is and help advocate for the kids in the local community.”

Wilson described being in the NICU as a “roller coaster.”

“We were told that being in the NICU was going to be a roller coaster and that was very well put,” Wilson said. “There were lots of ups and downs. There were great days when we had victories and then other days where we got news and didn’t know how things were going to go. It was a lot of ups and downs.”

Auld was eventually transferred to another CMN Hospital for neurosurgery and to complete her recovery and eventually be sent home.

About a year later, she was readmitted to the Pediatric Unit at MCH for RSV and pneumonia where she received top care and eventually released.

Today, she is healthy and her family likes to share her story with the local community in hopes of helping other premature babies and their families.

“We’re pleased to have the opportunities to help organizations that helped us when Lorelei was in the hospital,” Wilson said. “It’s kind of like coming full circle. We get to pay it back.”

She wants other families who are going through similar situations to keep their faith.

“Keep your faith and remember that God is good and all circumstances, He’s still good when the bad things happen and lean on Him and trust Him and listen for His guiding voice,” Wilson said.

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