Christmas music performances on air

The West Texas A&M University School of Music will air Christmas music performances at 7 p.m. Tuesday, midnight Dec. 23, 8 p.m. Dec. 24 and 1 a.m. Dec. 26 on Panhandle PBS.

Conductors are Pullen and Brandon Farren of Canyon High.

Local WT Symphony Orchestra members are: Christopher Santiago, Odessa, horn; Payne Morris, Odessa, trumpet; Justin Slaughter, Odessa, bass trombone; Byron Roberts, Midland, second violin; Marin Bullock, Midland, violoncello; Marcus Cornutte, Midland, double bass; Rachel Stansell, Midland, clarinet; and Emily Sotelo, Midland, trumpet.

Local and area WT choir members are: Hailey Arnold, Sophomore, Midland, chorale soprano; Enrique Lujan, Senior, Midland, bass; Karolyne Malone, Junior, Midland, collegiate choir soprano; Johnna Slone, Freshman, Midland, collegiate choir soprano; Keeli Crabtree, Freshman, San Angelo, collegiate choir soprano; Isabelle Quiroz, Senior, Odessa, collegiate choir alto; and Hailey Arnold, Freshman, Midland, chamber singer soprano.

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