Bridge beam lifts begin next week

A major milestone toward completion of the Midkiff and Cotton Flat bridges will be seen over the next two weeks. The main bridge deck support beams will be lifted into place at both the Midkiff and Cotton Flat bridge construction sites. This is a significant step towards opening the Midkiff and Cotton Flat Roads to north-south traffic in the spring.

Cranes will move into the Midkiff site first with lifting operations occurring Thursday, Jan. 11, Saturday, Jan. 13, and Monday, Jan. 15. The east and west bound left main lanes will be closed from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day to provide a safe workspace.

The beam lift operation at the Cotton Flat site will begin Monday morning, Jan. 15, and finish overnight Saturday, Jan. 20, through early Sunday morning, Jan. 21.